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Duluth Minnesota Lions Club


Serving the Northland since 1945, the Duluth Lions Club has a rich heritage of service. Today, over 70 members, both men and women, work together to support programs for sight and hearing disorders, diabetes, and youth development. Together we do more. 


Our meeting are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon at Clyde Iron Works.


Lions Clubs International

Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. We have over 1.4 million women and men in more than 46,000 clubs in 212 countries worldwide.
Since 1917, local Lions clubs have offered people just like you the opportunity to give something back to their community. Lions Clubs International has expanded their focus to help meet the ever increasing need of our society.


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Marie Pank | President


Bonnie Jorgenson | First Vice President


Gerry Svergen | Second Vice President

OPEN | Third Vice President
Pat Swenson | Secretary
Jim Denney | Treasurer
Jimmy Denney & Pat Swenson | Tail Twisters
Shane Bauer & Jim Pratt | Pancake Day Co-Chairs
Tom O’Brien | Membership Chair
Shirley Sollwold | Lion Tamer
Shane Bauer, Londa Hatch, Candy Madich, Bill Pank  | Directors
Tom O'Brien | Newsletter Editor
Sue Winner | Global Service Team
Jim Pratt | Immediate Past President
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