District MD5M-10
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Pancake Day 2024
The Duluth Lions Club Pancake Day will be held on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at the Duluth Entertainment & Convention Center. Please join us to help make the event a roaring success by enjoying some pancakes to support the works of the Duluth Lions. Additionally, help spread the word and build excitement so that many others also attend. Thanks for serving with us!
You can purchase tickets ahead of time for $8.00 at the locations listed on the poster, or from a member of the Duluth Lions Club. You can purchase tickets for $10.00 at the door on the day of the event.
Email duluthlions@gmail.com with any questions.
Pancake Day Committee Members
Pancake Chair
Gerry Sjerven
Public Relations Chair
Larry Winner
Volunteer Committee Co-Chairs
Sue Winner, Pat Swenson, Barb Tanski
Food Prep-Serving Co-Chairs
Larry Winner & Eric Schlacks
Gerry Sjerven
Sales Co-Chairs
Gail Tate & Jim Denney
Finance Committee
Jim Denney
Purchasing Co-Chairs
Bob Howe & Gerry Sjerven
Production Co-Chairs
Pat Swenson & Barb Tanski
Outside Organization Coordination
Pat Swenson